Gemini Season Self-care Tarotscopes

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Tarotscopes for Gemini Season

Gemini Season (May 21-June 21) is here and so are your self-care tarotscopes. Ruled by Mercury, Gemini is a smart, quick, and communicative energy. So even if you’re not a Gemini, you can benefit from the energy of the season. Throw in some special factors like a global pandemic and four retrograde planets (Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) and we’re in for an whirlwind of a month, ideal for cleaning house, getting a new perspective, and reprogramming some tired old patterns. Let some fresh air in.

If you didn’t catch your tarotscope for Taurus season, check it out here


What’s a Tarotscope?

It’s like a horoscope, but instead of interpreting planetary movements, I pull a card for each zodiac sign and share the themes and questions coming up at this time. I read tarot with an emphasis on self-care and self-development, so I suggest practices or activities that I think might be beneficial to you based on the card.

You can read about the cards for your Sun, Rising, and Moon signs — in fact, I recommend it if you want a fuller picture. If you don’t know your Sun (that’s the sign you’d typically read your horoscope for), Moon, or Rising/Ascendant signs, get your birth time and city, if possible, and plug it in over here.

For a more personalized and in-depth reading with me, book a session over at

Here are your cards for Gemini Season:

Aries: The Empress

The Empress Tarot

Big Mother Earth Energy. The Earth generates her own abundance by being receptive to change and making the most of whatever is presenting itself. What’s your definition of abundance without bringing money into the equation? While slowing down might not sound like your idea of a good time, what if you slow down with the purpose of making everything more heightened — colors, flavors, feelings, connections, the air around you. Can you make a practice of luxuriating in everyday things? Start with something simple like your coffee or an evening walk. The more you can practice appreciating what’s available, the more open you become to receiving more. 

Taurus: 7 of Cups

7 of Cups tarot

Resist the urge to go after the next shiny object. Now is a time for entertaining different options, not for making decisions. Instead, let yourself dream about the possibilities. You probably want something tangible and concrete, some kind of clarity or an answer right now, but it’s not the time. Dive into discovering your core values and visioning your future based on those, not something that looks good or you think should happen next. Clarity will come when you give yourself time and trust that you’ll make the right call when the time comes. To find your core values: Write out what you spend most of your time, money and attention on. What do you find yourself daydreaming about? What could you do for days or weeks at a time without getting bored of? Boil your answers down to a set of four words. 

Gemini: Ace of Pentacles

ace of cups tarot

Happy birthday, Gemini! This year, your birthday season is filled with retrograde planets, adding potency to the magic of reviewing and refreshing your life. Look at all the seeds you’ve planted and how far you’ve come in this past year of life. Use that insight to think about what you want to create this year. Something might feel like it’s unattainable right now, off limits, or taking too long to happen. Rather than starting to doubt yourself or becoming obsessed with timing and certainty, dig a little deeper into what you want and how you want to get there. What feelings will your manifestations bring you once they arrive? Is there a way to feel that in a micro way today?  

Cancer: 4 of Wands

4 of wands tarot

Let yourself have some fun. Intensity and getting things done are in your wheelhouse, but it’s important to take time out to celebrate, honor your achievements, and take a break from your mission. Even if your achievement is making it to another Friday in quarantine, find ways to mark the occasion, put your phone away and play. If getting outside into nature is available to you, please do it. Try designing a few weekly traditions using different meals, music, and activities to inject novelty and freshness into your days. Employ your innate skills for creating the right environment and vibe. Laughter and play is important medicine, but especially for you, Cancer, and especially now. 

Leo: Knight of Cups

knight of cups tarot

Moving with ease and grace might not feel accessible to you at this moment. You have the potential to bring kindness and warmth to all situations you find yourself in and this card is an invitation to make that a priority this month. This isn’t about being a doormat or pushing away your own needs (let’s be honest, that’s not your style) but about improving a space by acting from the heart, which will naturally radiate outward. You have the power to boost your mood and attitude by shifting your energy. For any situation this month that feels crunchy or deflating, try spraying some love on it like you would a stain treatment. What would being loving towards something that’s frustrating or difficult look like to you? See what happens.  

Virgo: 4 of Pentacles

4 of pentacles tarot

What are your pillars for good health, security, and happiness? This month you’re being called to look at the systems and routines you have in place. Is there room for movement, spontaneity, connection, fun? What feels like an energy leak? While getting shit done, keeping things in line, and building your security net are important, make room for generosity and lightness, too. True abundance is beyond material wealth, it involves doing what’s best for our body and spirit and honoring that that looks different from day to day. Consider adjusting your rules and boundaries to accommodate restful days, silly movies, or a spiritual practice that doesn’t feel like work. 

Libra: 6 of Wands

6 of wands tarot

What does success look like to you in this season? Success can be a complicated concept, especially if you’re drawn to the more spiritual side of life. We know that hard work + money + accolades = success is the most common and societally programmed version, but we also know there’s more to it. The truth is, real success is something that only we can define for ourselves. And it often shifts with us as we evolve as people. The key with this card is to pivot away from riding the highs and lows of the goal achieving cycle and decide what you really want to feel. Likely this brings up desires for love, connection, and freedom. Through that lens, success looks like living in alignment with these feelings daily. How can you start living that way today? 

Scorpio: The Chariot 

the chariot tarotscope

You’re ready to move forward, but what’s holding you back? You’re approaching a pivotal time, so you would do well to prepare for an upgrade. What aspects of yourself are weighing you down? It’s time to shed the old narratives about yourself, habits, or beliefs that are no longer helping you. It’s a time for working from the inside out in order to step into this next phase with ease. If you do the work of identifying what’s holding you back now, upleveling will be smoother. Getting friendly with your Shadow and going deep on beliefs about money, success, and deservingness could help you release what needs to go. Don’t forget to support your nervous system while you do this work (breathwork and nourishing food are great places to start). 

Sagittarius: 2 of Cups

2 of cups tarotscope

What part of you are you scared to spend time with? This card of self-acceptance wants you to get honest about the aspects of yourself you’re trying to push away, not owning, or want to change. Be open to these elements of yourself and your resistance to them, investigate, see if they have any wisdom to share. It’s about acceptance without being defeatist — having clarity and learning to work with your nature rather than against it. Your contradictions are what make you magic, embrace them. It’s not easy work, but you can make it interesting and fun by using a tool like astrology, which lends another language and intricacy to seeing and accepting ourselves as we are.

Capricorn: 10 of Cups 

10 of cups tarotscope

It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, but sometimes it is. This card wants you to be available for the good slices of your day that are fleeting, but special nonetheless. When the world is a sea of bad news and immense challenges, it’s our job to decide to show up and be present for the people in our lives that we love, for laughing, for beautiful sunsets, for perfect t-shirt weather. Presence and appreciation can be agents of change in our personal lives and out in the world. How can you bring yourself back into this exact moment? Focus on what’s good in your immediate sphere right now. Joy and gratitude can create big shifts if you practice them regularly. 

Aquarius: Page of Swords

page of swords tarotscope

Let yourself get excited. Don’t let old stories or other people tell you that you don’t deserve to dream big right now. Now’s the time to flesh out ideas you’re thinking about, share what you’re learning, or take a stab at a new form of expression. If you’re not ready to share with others, reflect on it through journaling. What this Page lacks in experience, they make up for in courage and enthusiasm — and that’s worth a lot. Let your excitement drive you, you’ll feel like a breath of fresh air when you start to take action.  

Pisces: Strength

Lead with your heart. Your intuition and inner guidance will never steer you wrong, especially when you’re centered in love. Love and heart centeredness might sound flighty or delicate to some, but I assure you, they’re serious, wild, and strong as f*ck. You can tap into the Earth’s strength and wisdom by getting to know your own wildness. Make a practice out of tapping into your own wild, loving, Earth-backed strength, by: Walking with bare feet in the grass or sand, breathing in the air at twilight, laying down on the ground with your hand on your heart, dancing your face off, laughing, making noise, running, walking, singing. This energy will feed the bold, fiery love that you already have living inside you, so you can step up to any challenge with courage and trust in yourself. 


Book a more in-depth and personalized tarot reading with me over at

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